Pondok Edukasi

Privacy Policy

Indonesian Children Song - Copy

Indonesian Children Song - Copy

Songs which contains 40 (forty) most popular children songs of Indonesian were created with the aim to educate student with songs appropriate to the age which is expected to form a good person. An offline app, just with one download, no longer need an internet connection to play. Hope it is useful

About image
Educational apps series with English and Indonesia language. Contains of apps Learn Hijaiyah, Learning Alphabet and Number, Learning Shape, Learning Iqra, Learning Juz amma, Indonesian Kid Song, English Kid Songs, Kids Song Islamic, Sholawat, Learn to Pray, Learn to count, Tale of Muslim Children
Pondok Edukasi Apps - Privacy Policies

All content used by Pondok Edukasi is free, so users should understand and adhere to the existing policy.

This policy policy is related to information collected, information security, display ads and App content

Information Collected


Internet connection is required to display existing ads either through Non WI-FI network or WI-FI network

Location Information
We require permission to access your device's location. This allows us to provide location-based services that offer the Qibla direction coordinates feature. We only collect location information when the app is in use or in accordance with the permissions you grant.

Information Security

With regard to information security, Pondok Edukasi only uses the internet for the needs of ad serving so it does not interfere with any privacy data held by users.
For the data we store, we only store data on internal storage only, where we will not distribute it to third parties

Display Ad

Pondok Edukasi Application is Application which is free of charge, so user must be ready with advertisement that appear on our Application.
Ads appearing in our app are customized by app category or by app target. However, we can not control fully from the ads shown, because ad impressions remain fully on the AdNetwork side


Existing content in either Image, Animation, Audio and others is protected by the Act and specialized for children. Users are prohibited to reuse without permission from PONDOK EDUKASI
  • Pesona Depok Jawa Barat Indonesia